Very often, we dismiss the idea generation aspect of a business plan as being so simple and straightforward. Yet don’t we also find ourselves in a stalemate, not knowing how to proceed from the tons of ideas thrown onto the table?

Idea generation or ideation is indeed a complex process. Plenty of effort goes into generating ideas, but much of it goes to waste when not put into good use!

Here are several possibilities as to why we may fail during the idea generation part of our business plan:

· Brainstorming sessions are often not conducted with proper framing or context

· Different expertise and skills needed to facilitate a brainstorm are lacking

· Too few key people are involved in ideation; more minds spawn more creativity and inspiration in others

· Follow-up actions and continuity is not ensured; the team or some members may not believe that the ideas will we acted on

· Poor communication

Therefore, in order for our ideas to come to fruition, we may need certain sets of guidelines to assist us in guaranteeing some degree of success.

There are many techniques that help in the idea generation process. But before we introduce the technique (revealed in Part 2), which we feel is not only sufficient in guiding you through but also simple and easily understood and implemented, let us first highlight the importance of understanding the four innovation styles.

There are two dimensions that form the four innovation styles. Each Innovation Style combines these two dimensions in a unique way.

What stimulates and inspires this style’s innovativeness?

How does this style approach the innovation process?

Facts, details and analysis
Intuition, insights and images

Focused, well-planned and outcome oriented
Broad, perceptive and learning oriented





How does this style support innovation?

By seeing the “big picture” and providing long-term direction

By inspiring commitment and momentum towards a far-reaching

By supplying bold, far-reaching, imaginative ideas

By seeking new and novel breakthroughs

By challenging assumptions to uncover new perspectives

By being enthusiastic in the face of uncertainty

By finding ways to overcome barriers to progress

By combining the ideas of many people for idea-generation and decision-making

By being thorough in formulating and testing new ideas

By providing systematic methods to take risks in stages

By building on what others have done, without “reinventing the wheel”

By motivating a group to focus on realistic, short-term success

By being dedicated to keeping change relevant to current needs

How can this style hinder innovation?

By resisting options that don’t fit into the vision

By focusing on the future and neglecting important details in the present

By being unrealistic about the level of change and resistance involved in achieving a vision

By taking risks where they “leap before they look”

By being too preoccupied with “speculative” ideas rather than focusing on results

By frequently changing their perspectives and direction

By not leveraging the value of work that has already been done

By getting lost in the processes of investigation or implementation

By losing perspective on what really matters long-term

By overemphasizing the process of research and forgetting the goal

By not being bold and imaginative enough

By being too tied to present circumstances and not seeing less-obvious opportunities

By not questioning assumptions

By not being open to radical new possibilities

What key questions does this style ask to stimulate new ideas?

What is the ideal long-term solution?

What if we started from scratch?

What do we really wish we could achieve?

How can we turn conventional wisdom upside down?

What would be radically new and different?

What is a metaphor for this situation that prompts new, unusual ideas?

What can we combine to put together a new solution?

What are workable ways to make progress?

How can we include a broad range of other’s ideas?

What can we do to refine and optimize what we’ve already invested in?

What has been done before that we can improve upon?

What would simplify this?


By developing your awareness, knowledge and skillful practice of the Innovation Styles, you can benefit in many ways…

  • Strengthen your versatility and confidence
  • Build harmonious teams
  • Find innovative solutions to your everyday work challenges
  • Sell your ideas
  • Help your organization become more successful

So which style(s) do you tend towards using and what about your team mates? Can you leverage on each member’s advantage and dispel the aspects that hinder innovation?